Angelina Jordan Recordings

Picture of Angelina Jordan rolling her eyes

This is a directory of songs performed by Angelina Jordan. It may not always be complete, but it will hopefully eventually catch up.
This page is a list of most of Angelina Jordan's recordings, there is also an index of all the songs listed, that links to a search for each song.

How to use this page

You may filter the contents of this page by clicking the little funnels (Funnel icon for popup filters) in each column header. There are two ways to save your filtered result:

  • Click "Copy Result Link" to get a link to the actual result. This will not change if new songs are added to the table.
  • Click "Copy Filter Link" to get a link to the filter you used. This may yield different data when new songs are added.

You may then paste the result where you need it. The "Help" button will describe how to use the filters. It is possible to use multiple filters at the same time, or use the checkbox column to make your own selection. The table may also be sorted by clicking the desired header.

The "Links" column contains links to videos and information for the song. There may be links to YouTube YouTube, Apple Music Apple Music, Spotify Spotify, Facebook Facebook (some require login), TikTok TikTok, Instagram Instagram, Wikipedia Wikipedia or other web sites Other.

The "Columns▼" button let's you hide columns you don't want to see, this may be useful on smaller screens. You may also Save your selection.

Some of my favorites.
♫ Angelina Jordan's originals.

♫ Album: Driving Home for Christmas (2023)
♫ Album: Old Enough (2023)
♫ Album: It's Magic (2018)
♫ Album: My Christmas (2015)

♫ Allsang på grensen - 22 June 2022.
♫ Concert in Kurbadhagen - 1 July 2022.
♫ Concert at Kongsberg Jazz Festival - 7 July 2022.
♫ Concert in Kurbadhagen - 10 July 2022.
♫ Concert №1 in Las Vegas - 29 Feb 2024.
♫ Concert №2 in Las Vegas - 29 Feb 2024.

Angelina Jordan's socials after the list of recordings.
Credits at the bottom of the page.


Index of songs

# ☑︎ Song Links Cover of Comments Age Genre
No recordings selected by filter.

Index of songs

Angelina Jordan's Socials


Top of page